Monday, October 20, 2008

Football just isn't fun anymore

I know, I can't believe that I said that - but the Colts just can't seem to win on a consistent basis this year. And I thought that this was going to be a tremendous year after the Patriots lost Tom Brady in the first quarter of the season.

And on top of that - I am probably going to lose my fantasy football match up against a 12 year old girl this week. How humiliating :( My fantasy football team had so much potential coming into the season, but now I find myself in a very uncomfortable position of having to root for both the Broncos (icckk!!!) and the Patriots (ewwww!!!) to have huge games tonight.

Just make sure that the ball goes to Eddie Royal and Wes Welker.


Ivymamma said...

Remember they don't have to win all the games - just the playoffs. Same for your fantasy team! You might just let the 12 year old win so you don't compromise your integrity and cheer for the Broncos or Pats!

Anonymous said... ruins lives. ;)