Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Seeking Approval

So many people live their lives seeking the approval of man yet choosing to live their lives with little regard to the commands of God.  Many of these people call themselves Christians - yet what they really mean is that they believe in God and go to church on Sunday (sometimes).

John 5:44 (NIV) says -
44 How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God? 

If we say that we believe in God yet spend our lives without making an effort to obtain His approval and praise - do we really believe at all?  Now don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying that we can be made right with God through our actions, we can only be made right with God by His Grace though faith (not works) Eph. 2:8 - but if we love him we will obey His commands (that's in the bible too - John 14:15).

If there is no outward change in our lives, it begs the question is there an inward change?  I am convinced that the biggest problem is not that people don't believe in God - but that they don't live their lives as if they believe in God.  Most people believe in God but have never thought about the ramifications that an all powerful, all mighty, all loving God has on their DAILY life - let alone their ETERNAL life.

If you believe that God exists - prove it by the way you live your life.  Live your life seeking His approval.