Thursday, November 6, 2008

When God is Silent

Where do you turn for answers when it seems that God is silent? In 1 Samuel 28 - Saul, in desperation, turns to a medium in an attempt to get guidance from Samuel's spirit.

I think that this is similar to what we do when God seems to be silent. We will try anything - self help books, psychologists, friends, horoscope, fortune cookies - you name it.

But if God is truly silent - perhaps there is a good reason. Perhaps, as in Samuel's case, He as already spoken to us and we didn't like what we heard so we keep looking for a different answer. It's like when my kids come ask me for something and I tell them no or give them an answer they don't like - what do they do? Go ask Mommy thinking maybe she will give a different answer. (By the way - that is a big NO NO and they get in trouble for it).

Sometimes though God is silent because we are often seeking the wrong thing. Samuel was looking for INFORMATION - what should he do. God was interested in TRANSFORMATION - who should he be.

God is way more interested in WHO WE ARE than in WHAT WE DO. When the bible tells us that God has good plans for us in Jeremiah 29 - he doesn't say that he will necessarily tell us what those plans are - he tells us that if we SEEK GOD - we will FIND GOD - not the plans - GOD.

When God seems to be silent - don't keep looking for the plans or the information that you want - look for GOD - worship GOD as Lord - when you do, you will find God and you will be able to trust Him because HE KNOW THE PLANS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this passage and your conclusions. I would add that it is too easy to put our own stereotypes in the mix. We don't think God would speak ... this way -- or by allowing that thing ... so we don't think He has spoken, or that He has forgotten us or not answered our prayers. I wonder how many things like this keep us from rejoicing and/or knowing Him better?