Today's reading, in 1 John 2:1-14, contains one of the greatest promises in Scripture, and yet it is also one of those things that makes some people sit back and scratch their head.
Verse 3 states that we can be sure that we know God if we keep His commands. Verse 4 goes on to say that if we claim to know God and yet don't keep His commandments we are liars.
The question that arises here often revolves around the fact that just because a person is a Christian, does not mean that he or she will never sin again. So if I sin, I am obviously not keeping God's commandments at the time, does that mean that I don't really know God?
We all make mistakes - the question really is, how do you respond when you sin? Do you confess your sins? If so God is faithful and just and will forgive us for all unrighteousness. Or do we pridefully and arrogantly choose to sin over and over again? I believe that when John says that if we love God we will keep his commandments, it is not an all or none type of deal - John is talking overall about the condition of my heart.
Am I a Christian? Yes. Do I still sin? Yes. But when I do, I humbly accept God's forgiveness and choose to learn from my mistakes so that I can continue on the journey of becoming fully like Christ like in my attitudes and behaviors - recognizing that I will never fully achieve that until I stand before God in heaven.
I think that it is also noteworthy that the passage on following God's commandments is followed by an old commandment - made new again. The commandment to Love Each Other. Surely our attitude towards each other is a good indicator of our hearts condition and whether or not we know God. How could we love God if we don't love His creation - made in His image - our fellow man?
I'm Moving
13 years ago
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