Thursday, February 5, 2009


If the when Jesus returns He will be so unmistakable that he describes it like this - "Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other." in Luke 11:24 from today's reading in Luke 17:11-37. Why is it that so many people will be deceived by the Anti-Christ? I'm not sure - but I know that it will be true. So the lesson that we need to come away from here with is this - if someone else has to tell you that Christ has returned and urges you to come with them to see him - you can be guaranteed that it is not Christ.

When Christ returns - a couple of things that we can be sure of. It will be completely unexpected. Just as the flood was completely unexpected and the destruction of Sodom was unexpected. The other thing that we can be sure of is that if we are Christians - it will be as impossible for us to miss as a lightning bolt flashing across the sky on the darkest of nights.

The one thing that I do know is this - Christ is coming back again - our job is to be ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... secret Rapture then? Of course, I prefer "lightening" to "lightning", as in sunrise (or Sonrise) in that passage.

But I agree we'll see Christ when he comes back, and there'll be no mistaking it.