Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Hard to Be Humble

As I read 1 Samuel 22 (yes, today I linked to the English Standard Version - that is what I have been reading lately, and I really enjoy it - it comes across as plain and simple, yet profound at the same time), I was struck by the thought that David faced a lot of injustice and yet he never complained. He simply kept listening to and obeying God.

If anybody had a right to feel outrage and indignity at the injustice that was occurring in his life, it was David - God's anointed one, the chosen King of Israel, the slayer of Goliath and head of Saul's Body Guard, captain of the army, the list goes on and on - and yet where does he find himself - hiding in a cave surrounded by the down and outs of life. And yet, when the prophet Gad comes to him and says - don't stay here, go back to the land of Judah, what does he do? Does he say, "you know what Gad, God's way hasn't worked out so well for me - look where following God has got me so far? No, he simply obeys - without question (at least as it is recorded in the bible).

And then to top it all of, he once again displays his humility when Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech comes to David after he as escaped the wrath of Saul. At this point, David does not simply offer condolences or sympathy, he accepts full responsibility for the death of Abiathar's entire family and for the future protection of Abiathar. He says "I have occasioned the death of all the persons of your father's house. Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life. With me you shall be in safekeeping." David doesn't blame Saul, he doesn't blame God, he doesn't throw a pity party. He humbly takes responsiblity for his actions and choices and chooses to move forward.

What a stark contrast to the "chosen ones" of today. The pop princesses, sports heroes, and celebrities who think that they deserve special treatment just becasue they have certain skills or attributes that make them "desireable" in the eye of the public. How different would our culture be if we all chose to hubmly and respectfully follow God's leading in our lives without assigning blame to others? Just a thought.


Ivymamma said...

This goes along with something I was ready about Mary - Jesus' mother - the other day. When she was told by the angel that she was going to give birth to the Messiah, she humbly says, "I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be." Despite the disgrace and humility that would come from being pregnant, not to mention the possiblity of death, she was willing. And humbly realized she was God's servant. She trusted Him for the outcome. How often do I get wrapped up in the details and "consequences" that I forget to just be? Be in His care and protection and plan.

Pastor Mike said...

Wow, great observation. Thanks sweetheart.